Home News Tablets Orange to punt 3G-enabled eee 901

Orange to punt 3G-enabled eee 901

eeepc 901
eeepc 901

eeepc_901.jpgEveryone seems to fall head over heels in love with Asus’ eee PC. It’s
so ickle and cute like a little kitten. It would be better if it had integrated mobile broadband instead of needing a dongle. Step forward Orange
– the company is giving away a new 3G-enabled eee
901 pc with an embedded SIM.

Of course you have to sign up for a 24 month contract (costing £25 per
month) but you get the 901 with its Intel Atom processor (less battery
hungry than a Celeron for sure). It also sports a 16GB solid state

Francois Mahieu, Director of Devices, Orange UK said: "By introducing
the Eee PC 901 with integrated connectivity, we’re now making it even easier
for customers to purchase a flexible solution that allows them to access the
internet when they are out and about. As a result, we strongly believe this will
be one of the most popular device offers in the market place this Christmas.”

Of course, Vodafone has already given out Dell Mini 9 netbooks with an embedded 3G SIM. However, Orange offer a 3GB data cap compared to other’s 1GB cap.

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