Home News Phones Two months of free tweets

Two months of free tweets

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twitter logo bird

twitter_logo_birdCalm down, we said tweets not sweets. Yes, customers of mobile phone company 3 will be able to post their thoughts in 140 characters or less at no cost during February and March.

“Now is the time to give this micro blogging craze a whirl from anywhere and everywhere – without paying a penny,” said a 3 spokeswoman.

“Why should desk-chained PC users have all the free Twitter fun? Share your thoughts, news views and whereabouts right from your mobile phone in February and March as 3 gives you free Twitter.”

The free service will operate whether users visit Twitter’s mobile site or take advantage of the special integrated mobile app on phones like the INQ Mini 3G, INQ Chat 3G and the Sony Ericsson T715.  

Those with an internet add-on as part of their 3 account can use Twitter without using any of their monthly internet allowance.

The free service also operates whether users are tweeting messages or pictures.

Charlotte Blanchard, director of products and services at 3, said; the company wants to make the internet as easy and affordable to use on mobile phones as on a PC.

“Our 3G network is built for services just like Twitter, so throughout February and March we’re encouraging our customers to give it a try,” Blanchard added.