Home Reviews Cameras Review:Fujifilm FinePix Z5fd

Review:Fujifilm FinePix Z5fd


fujifilm_z5.jpgCompact digital cameras usually come in a standard black or silver
colour, but Fujifilm has decided to buck the trend with its FinePix Z5
camera. The one we tested came in a nice mocha brown colour (well at
least it goes with our office carpets!)

Of course, you could plum for Raspberry Red if that's your bag. (Well
it's more pink if you ask the missus and she proved it by painting her
nails with some of her nail vanish which was fuchsia on the side of the

Anyway, we are diverted from the matter in hand. The camera is
small and pocket friendly – measuring 92.8 X 55 X 19.4mm and weighing
at a mere 148g. We had it in our pocket for a whole evening without
feeling that it was weighing us down – so it can easily be taken on a
night out.


The cover slides open to reveal the lens. While that is doing that –
the Z5 logo flashes, which can be a bit annoying (as well as a waste of
battery power). The Z5fd is a 6.3-megapixel model features Fuji's
SuperCCD HR sensor,
with an internal 3x zoom lens. On the back is the mandatory LCD monitor
which is easy on the eye with its high-resolution 230k pixel 2.5-in

The build quality is good, it feels sturdy enough, so it will with any
luck survive a hen night. While most of the time you will have it on
auto mode (which will do for most pictures) you'll be able to take good
pics. The manual mode  allows the user to adjust settings such as ISO,
exposure compensation, white balance and AF mode.


Also, as with most new FinePix cameras, there is a Face Detection mode
which will work out if there is a face in the picture and do its best
to make sure a good picture of the subject is taken. As long as the
face looks like a face (i.e. don't wear sunglasses or a big beard it
confuses things) the face detection will do the rest.

Anyway, that aside it does a good job of taking pictures and as it
starts up quickly, it is easy to pull the thing out, open the cover,
take a shot and put it away again. Worth considering for a second
camera you can take on a night out or where you don't want to lug around
a big camera.

We found this camera on Amazon for £125.00. More here.

Rating: 9/10