Home News Audio Microsoft gears up for more Zune punishment

Microsoft gears up for more Zune punishment


zune.jpgMicrosoft is not having much luck with its differently succesful Zune
media player. But it still intends to come out with some more models
this year.

Despite the poor retail performance over Christmas, the company is planning new models in time for next holiday season.

Marketing Director for Zune, Adam Sohn, told Cnet that
"there will be new Zunes before the 2009 holiday season" and they’ll be
a "surprising step up" from what’s currently available.

There is precious little else in the way of information about what
these new players will be or what features they will have. Our money is
on Microsoft launching a Zune phone over this side of the Atlantic. Our
sources seem to be indicating this to be a very likely scenario.

With rival Apple punting all sorts of apps for the iPhone and iPod
Touch it is hard to see how MS can innovate past its Cupertino rival.

Link: Cnet

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