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Top 10 Wii Fit tips and tricks

wii fit balance board
wii fit balance board

wii_fit_balance_board.jpgIf you bought the Wii Fit for your Nintendo console at Christmas then you are probably wondering how you can get the most out of your new game. Here are our top 10 tips to help you make the most of your Balance Board.

Tip no. 1 – Ski Jump and higher and longer

Getting to 300 metres can be a difficult task but done the right it is quite easy.

You need to centre your balance on the blue dot for the ride down in order to maximize your speed. Then time your jump to begin as late as possible. If you jump immediately after entering the red zone jumps are much shorter, however if you wait too long, you will crash.

It does really matter if you are forward, backward or on the blue dot as long as you centre on the blue line. If you don;t bend your knees too much there is less fluctuation than when you straighten them out.

Tip no. 2 – Boxing clever

To get 300 on the rhythm boxing game you should really follow the on-screen tip and box to the beat. A bit like Joeboxers. Box on the beat and you will double the points you get. At the end of the game when you freestyle, keep one foot on the board  and go for small movements to make as many punches count as possible.

This increases the score a lot towards the end of the bout.

Tip no. 3 – Put your best feet forward on the Slalom

When in the slalom game the best position to put your feet on the board is over the corners of the balance board. This is an ideal way for keeping the dot on the blue bar and help you go faster.

This also allows you to lean back on your heels to slow through the middle of the game. Small movements can help you traverse close-by gates.

Initially, going fast can mean missing everything. But practice makes perfect and you should be able to finish this in around 45 seconds.

Tip no. 4 – Walk the tightrope

When walking the tightrope, don’t lift your feet. Alternate each foot by placing one on tiptoes while the other stays flat and rock from side to side. Keep you upper body still as possible while moving your feet. Keep balanced before you jump over the teeth.

Tip no. 5 – Weigh yourself and other things besides.

When you stand on your Balance Board immediately after selecting Body Test, get hold of a heavy object. The Balance Board will sense that you are holding the object and will weigh it for you.

Tip no. 6 – Go jump off a mountain

When you are at the Island distance running game, when you first start running you will see a light-coloured dog pass you trainer. Run past your trainer  and a “Follow the dog” message will appear.

Following the dog will see you go up a mountain, then across a wooden bridge. Next thing you know you jump off a mountain. Hope you packed a parachute!

Tip no. 7 – Try out the Ultimate Balance Test

After you have chosen your Mii to reach the statistics screen, there is a character on a treadmill in the background. You can choose him with your wiimote and this gets you onto the Ultimate Balance Test.

Tip no. 8 – Easy money

When on the Balance Mode Games menu, choose the Marble Drop Game. When playing the game let the time run out to fail the first challenge. Whether you win or lose you get one coin for everyminute of game play. The time spent failing the challenge is rounded up to the minute and so you get a coin. Press the A button and fail again to win.

Tip no. 9 – Win at Lotus Focus

If you really can’t be bothered to use the Wii Fit properly and you want to finish Lotus Focus, simply stick a heavy box on the balance board while you eat some crisps. The box will be doing the hard work while you just get fat.

Tip no. 10 – Running the dead easy way

Again if you don’t fancy running and, God forbid, breaking out into a sweat, then you can just shake the Wiimote instead of putting it in your pocket. You can use the other hand to eat a kebab with.