These phone companies know which buttons to push in order to flog you a
mobile phone service. Orange is no exception. It reckons it can get a
few business types to sign up to one of its tariffs if it gives punters
a free iPod Touch.
Basically, Orange Business Services is offering a free 8GB Apple iPod
touch to customers who sign up to 18 month business tariffs. Customers
who sign up in selected Orange shops to Orange Solo, Orange Venture or
Orange Momentum business tariffs in February can get their mitts on a
reassuringly expensive piece of Apple kit. Of course, you only get the
mp3 player if you sign up for a £5 a month tariff, so cheapskates need
not apply.
“The work/life blur often means doing work in your free time. We want
to redress the balance and encourage our customers to take time out of
their working day for themselves and the iPod touch is a great me-time
device with which to do that,” said Martin Lyne, Director of Small
Business, Orange UK.
This is the first time Orange has exclusively offered business
customers a free give-away and follows the success of similar Orange
offers to consumers.
The participating stores can be viewed by following this link.