Home Reviews Audio Braun LE03 review

Braun LE03 review

Braun le01 le02 le03 blog retrofutur 9
Braun le01 le02 le03 blog retrofutur 9

Braun has made a comeback in the audio market after 28 years, with three speakers that follow the sleek design language of the famous designer Dieter Rams.

Braun was a design leader in the 1960s and 1970s, thanks to Dieter Rams’ sleekly designed radios and record players. The designs were so influential that thirty years later they inspired many Apple gadgets, such as the iPod.

Braun is now better known for electric razors and hair dryers but is now returning as a brand to the audio market. The well-known Braun LE speakers are back, in a new but familiar-looking design. The new speakers are remarkably like the LE line as designed by Rams in 1959.

Braun does not make the speakers themselves but by the British Pure Audio. Earlier this year, that company was licensed to use the Braun LE brand name. The new line consists of three speakers: the elongated LE01 and LE02 and the square LE03. With their rounded corners, clean lines, black and white finish, and chrome feet, they are unmistakably Braun.

However, the speakers can be placed in all kinds of ways, just like the LE line of the past. They can stand on a shelf without afoot, or on long, slender feet to form a surrounding system together. For example, the LE01 and LE02 are stereo speakers in the landscape position, but in the standing position, they change as the left or right half of a stereo pair.

This is done via the Braun Audio app, with which the speakers are also automatically adjusted to the shape and acoustics of the room in which they are located. The speakers support Google Cast and Airplay 2 and have Bluetooth 4.2.

Google Assistant is built-in, which works through a system of four microphones that the user should hear right through the music. If you do not want to be listened to, you can press the microphone button. It then shoots up and turns orange, so that the assistant is not listening.

In terms of detail, integration, and overall balance, the LE03 has enough to recommend.