Home News Tablets Fifth of iPad owners have a second tablet

Fifth of iPad owners have a second tablet

apple ipad
apple ipad

apple_ipadNearly a fifth of iPad owners have two or more tablet devices in the home, according to a new survey.

The study carried out be polling firm YouGov found that out of 1,667 tablet owners in the UK, nearly half (782 people) owned an iPad. Of those owners, 145 had two or more of the Apple over-sized smartphone.

37 per cent of those multiple iPad owners claimed they bought the second device as their partner had been using the first iPad “all of the time”. Another 17 per cent said their primary iPad was constantly being used by other family members.

Although the YouGov report found that most iPad users (nearly two thirds) bought wireless versions, recent research from Context found that the 3G models have been far more popular this Christmas.

Apple has managed to shift over 4 million iPads this quarter alone.