Home News Tablets 3G iPad is most popular choice for UK shoppers

3G iPad is most popular choice for UK shoppers

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apple ipad

With less than a week to go beapple_ipadfore Christmas, it seems that a lot of you are favouring the 64GB 3G version of the iPad.

According to research carried out by analyst firm Context, the 3G iPads are outselling their Wi-Fi only counterparts by a margin of four to one in November.

This is in stark contrast to earlier in the year when wireless-only iPads acounted for over 70 per cent of sales.

It appears that recent subsidies by network operators on 3G iPads have increased sales of that version of the Apple tablet device.

Despite the hefty price tag, half of Britons buying a new iPad are buying the 64GB version, while only a quarter of thrifty Europeans are buying the top-of-the-range tablet.

With the iPad 2 rumoured to be around the corner, with two cameras and a host of enhancements, sales of the Apple tablets could just grow and grow.