Home Reviews Lifestyle Review: Shake Weight

Review: Shake Weight

shake weight
shake weight

There are lots of gadgets out there that claim to help you tone your body or lose weight, but none offer women the chance to wiggle a hard, weighted shaft for six minutes quite like the Shake Weight.

This fitness gadget is taking the UK by storm (that’s what the PR people tell me and who am I to disbelieve them?) It is designed to tone arms and upper body by strengthening your core.

Using a concept called “Dynamic Inertia” (which we are sure must be an oxymoron?), the weight on the device moves rapidly back and forth as the internal resistance inside the shaft move from side to side. This movement is supposed to create up to 240 muscle contractions a minute.

According to Shake Weight, you only need to use the thing for six minutes a day. Basically, you take the weight out of its box, hold the smooth shaft in your hand and vigorously shake the thing up and down while maintaining a firm grip on the stick. If you don’t keep your grip tight on the shaft, you may very well lose hold of the thing and it could go flying and take someone’s eye out.

The Shake Weight is aimed at women looking to tone up their arms. There is also a Shake Weight designed for men, which has a bigger shaft and is slightly heavier.

The package also comes with a workout DVD, which is so good that if you are a man, you probably could get the full benefit of exercising your arm for six minutes without even touching a Shake Weight.

Overall, the stick is great exercise for women and good practice for other things as well. The product retails at £29.95 from highstreettv.com or selected Tescos.

Rating: 8/10


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