Get ready
to re-don your blue-and-red cardboard specs, as Sky has said that
it’s made "a significant step" towards 3D TV.
broadcaster claims to have successfully produced a 3D programme on a
domestic telly, using an HD set-top box. Don’t expect an
available product for a while yet, though, as this was just a
demonstration to show the technology could work.
have shown it is a technical reality," Sky’s director of
strategic product development, Gerry O’Sullivan, said to BBC
News. "Now we have to find a way to bring it to viewers."
Sky has
been filming several events with 3D cameras over recent months, and
in the demonstration in its London headquarters, clips of a rugby
union match, a Ricky Hatton fight and an episode of Gladiators
were all shown in 3D.
showed a Six Nations match in 3D in a theatre earlier this year, but
Sky intends to get the technology straight into living rooms via its
Sky+ box.
not hugely costly," explained O’Sullivan, "because
it piggybacks on the investment in HD." However, consumers
will have to purchase special 3D televisions, and the classic 3D
polarising glasses beloved of rubbish films in the Fifties.
In Japan,
of course, some television channels are already broadcasting in 3D.
But as we know, that’s because the entire population can jump
through time like Hiro out of Heroes and they’re
living 25 years in the future.