With smartphones, such as the iPhone or the latest Blackberry Storm, offering more and more features, it is all too easy for us to forget that you bought a phone to make calls. Maybe you just want a device to have a chat with granny or you are into mobiles that look like the sort of toy that would grace a kindergarten. Maybe since the accident, you don’t think too good no more. In which case you might be interested in the Doro Handleasy 326gsm.
The simple, easy to use handset comes without complicated functions, bright lights and additional gadgets – ie. no Bluetooth, no WLAN, no camera, no GPS… The list of things this phone hasn’t got is endless!
The handset boasts extra large buttons and a simple to read screen. A strong vibrating function makes it ideal for those with hearing impairments (are deaf people also stupid? We think not!) Users are able to store up to four telephone numbers within the easy to access memory bank. The soft durable case also allows for better grip.
The handsets are available on prepay or contract and has up to 160 hours of standby and 140 minutes of talk time. It is also complete with charger and 12 months of warrantee, the phone is sadly 2G so we won’t be seeing the 3 network offering this phone any time soon.