Home News Software Barcode app offers smarter shopping

Barcode app offers smarter shopping

Sccope2save iphone app sml
Sccope2save iphone app sml

Sccope2save_iphone_app_sml“30,000 shoppers can’t be wrong!” screams consumer shopping assistant Sccope, which claims you’ll never pay over the odds again if you use its iPhone app. Sccope2save lets you scan an item in the shop, and check the price against the top 100 retailers in the UK.

The app – which costs £1.19 – has been downloaded more than 30,000 times and those users have checked the price of 280,000 separate product numbers.

The barcode scanner works by using the iPhone’s camera to scan a product while you’re in the shop.

The app also allows users to search for a product and see who’s offering the best deal – as well as allowing them to check whether the product is in stock, or get an alert when the price drops.

Sccope2Save updates it prices daily from an independent database provided by NetPrice and includes retailers such as Amazon, Comet and John Lewis.  

It’s available now from iTunes UK.