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A little book for little Twits

the little book of twitter
the little book of twitter

The Little Book Of Twitter Author Tim CollinsA book about Twitter. Is that Twitterature? Does it have a twist as well as Twits? No, but author Tim Collins promises to give you the low-down on social networking’s current big thing…

The Little Book Of Twitter offers tips and tricks for getting tweetwise and has lots of Twitter-related humour.

Advice and features include:
* How to get started
* The weirdest and wittiest Twitter feeds
* The netiquette of Twitter
* The best celebrity tweeters
* Tweeting at work
* You know you’re a twitterholic when…
* Great works of literature in less than 140 characters eg The Taming of the Shrew: ‘A woman shouts at some men. A man tells her to stop or he’ll hit her. She stops. They kiss. That’s alright then.’

The Little Book Of Twitter will be available from 9 June 2009 from Michael O’Mara Books with an RRP of £3.99.