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Win a copy of World of Tanks boxed version

wot screenshot 24 jun 2010 1
wot screenshot 24 jun 2010 1

Do you like tanks? Do you want to blow up things? But don’t fancy doing it for real? Then you need to get involved in our competition!!! We have five copies of Wargaming.net’s latest game World of Tanks!!!

World Of Tanks is a 3D-based combat multiplayer online game that features over 90 of some of the finest armoured vehicles from China,Soviet Union, Germany and the USA, with contributions from other countries also in development.

It’s already won a Guinness World Record earlier this year by scooping the record for Most Players Online Simultaneously on one MMO Server, and by liking us on our Absolute Gadget Facebook page, you could win one of five boxsets that we have to give away and get stuck into one of the most popular warfare-based games on the planet!

Competition closes on 20th December 2011. Further competition rules can be found on the link at the bottom of the page. Good Luck!