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Google builds a time machine


googleOkay, not really. But the compu-global-hyper-mega-corp is organising a rather nifty new project that will allow Street View users to step back in time.

Historypin is the name of the forthcoming application, the result of a team-up between Google and We Are What We Do (the guys behind the I’m Not A Plastic Bag bag). Basically, Historypin will allow users to upload their own old photos to Google Maps.

The aim is to make a sort of digital time machine, with important events (the Queen’s coronation, say) or more personal moments such as weddings available to give a taste of the world in a specific place and time. Each photo will be both geo-tagged and chrono-tagged to allow users to browse through their local area’s history via Google Maps.

The project, which is partially aimed at getting older generations more hands-on with new tech, will also allow you to print photos, books and posters of the uploaded pictures. It’s aiming to launch in the U.S. later this month, with the rest of the world getting in on the act from the end of the year.

All that, and not one Doctor Who/H.G. Wells joke. Oh, wait…darn.