Home News Miscellany Student gets bionic limb

Student gets bionic limb

ilmb bionic hand touch
ilmb bionic hand touch

ilmb_bionic_hand_touch.jpgIt is possibly the ultimate gadget that no one would really want, but for Evan Reynolds it means a life of normality.

The Bristol student has what is possibly the world’s most advanced
bionic limb. Two years ago, Reynolds was involved in a car accident
that saw his hand being ripped off.

Reynolds had originally planned to go into the army prior to the
accident. and until he got his new limb, he felt self-conscious when
faced with a barrage of questions about the accident. He even developed
phantom limb, where the brain still believes an arm is still there.

It is this phenomenon that made it possible for Even to receive the new limb.

the iLimb is the world’s first commercially available bionic limb and
is made by Scottish firm Touch Bionics. The £10,000 artificial limb
works like a normal arm, receiving messages from the brain.

After initial trials Reynolds is slowly getting used to the iLimb and
is now able to perform simple tasks that other people take for granted.

"I put it on and within minutes I was using it as well as I can today," Mr Reynolds told PA.

always ask how it’s changed my life, but there’s no specific thing.
It’s the hundreds of everyday things you take for granted, which I can
do again – like peeling a potato, catching a ball, holding a bottle of

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