Home News Television Remote control use tops Xmas rows

Remote control use tops Xmas rows

one for all stealth 12
one for all stealth 12

one_for_all_stealth_12The TV remote control is cause for more family arguments on Christmas Day than anything else, according to a study. Rows over who is taking charge of the channel changer beat a host of other reasons for bust-ups on the big day, including cheating at board games, who washes up and dad getting drunk.


The full list was:
1. Ownership of the remote control
2. Mum stressing over the Christmas dinner           
3. No one helping Mum
4. Who washes-up      
5. Cheating over a board game or charades  
6. What time to open presents
7. Kids eating too much chocolate before dinner     
8. Deciding which Christmas day movie to watch    
9. Not tidying up after opening presents      
10. The children using their mobile phones / laptops whilst at the dinner table      
11. Dad not wanting to watch soap opera Christmas specials
12. The kids moaning about their presents
13. Old family feuds that resurface    
14. The temperature of the house      
15. Dad having too many pre-dinner tipples   
16. The kids constantly checking social networking sites via phones and laptops  
17. Kids all wanting to play their DVD’s at the same time     
18. Not having enough space to put up relatives      
19. The cost of entertaining relatives  
20. Mum having too many pre-dinner tipples.

The poll of 2000 adults was commissioned by Buffalo Technology, makers of the Buffalo LinkStation, which allows users to store their movies at home and replay them anywhere in the world via the web.

A spokesperson for the Buffalo LinkStation said that Christmas day can be stressful and very few families will escape without the odd quarrel.
“Ownership of the TV remote and deciding who watches what on the box does seem to be a bone of contention for most families ,” the spokesman added.
“The Buffalo LinkStation allows families to watch movies they have stored, so should diffuse most arguments in the home over Christmas and guarantee nobody misses a thing.’’