Home Features Guides How to add NXE avatars to old Live Arcade games

How to add NXE avatars to old Live Arcade games

xbox 360 elite
xbox 360 elite

xbox_360_elite.jpgWith the release of the new Xbox 360 dashboard update (the so-called
New Xbox Experience of NXE) comes the appearance of Mii-like avatars.
While new titles should support them straight away, getting old titles
to work with the new feature takes some effort. Here’s a quick guide to
getting the most out of these avatars.


  1. If you don’t own a title that supports avatars, then when
    you go to the Live Marketplace, it should already come with avatar
    support out of the box. This means that you don’t have to do anything
  2. If you do own a title with avatar support, simply
    launch the game and with the Title Update message comes on screen,
    accept and download this update.
  3. After the game reloads, there will be a message
    telling you that the new feature will be added to the game. Press the A
    button to download the update.
  4. This should now download the update. There should be
    a tick next to the full game download option. This re-downloads the
    whole updated package which carries the new features.
  5. Choosing the "Play Now" option reloads the game where you will see the new avatars ready and waiting to be played with.


This only applies to Hardwood Hearts, Hardwood Spades, and
Bomberman, UNO and Kingdom for Keflings also support avatars but don’t
require an update.

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