Home Features Ergonomic Considerations for Dual-Stacked Screen Monitors

Ergonomic Considerations for Dual-Stacked Screen Monitors

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Did you know that how you set up your computer has too much to do with your health? Besides eye strain or any other eye challenges, your computer arrangement can affect your spine, muscle strain, or even posture in general. But even more than PCs, dual monitor screen monitors are more liable to negatively impact your health because of their unconventional height, width, and angle.

While some monitors, like the Geminos dual-screen monitor, already have a fairly comfortable angle for your neck, eye, and back, it is still important to understand the best ergonomic considerations for your dual monitor setup.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the best placement for your dual-stacked monitor setup, why it is essential, and what may happen if these considerations are not made.


Despite being a memorable word, ergonomics is more than the arrangement of items. It is the science of designing systems, products, and environments to fit the people who use them. In other words, it is about creating a harmonious relationship between humans and the things they interact with.

Ergonomics ensures that products are usable while eliminating awkward postures that may lead to pain or injuries. It is also a science that aims to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and muscle/joint strains. Additionally, it promotes productivity and well-being.
That being said, what are the ergonomic considerations for dual-stacked screens?

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stacke monitor

Ergonomic Considerations for Stacked Monitors

There are multiple aspects to look into when it comes to the ergonomic considerations of the monitor, and those aspects will be discussed individually below:

Monitor Height and Viewing Angle

Stacked monitors are usually arranged with one on top and another below, giving a vertical display. However, the height and angle are not fixed, so you may need to adjust them.

Top Monitor

For the top monitor, ensure that it is below your eye level so that you don’t have to lift your head too high to see the top of the screen—which can strain your neck. Ideally, the top monitor should be between 15 and 30 degrees in angle.

This angle minimizes neck flexion and keeps your head in a neutral position throughout computer use. Opt for adjustable monitor arms to achieve precise positioning for the best results.

Bottom Monitor

For the monitor below, it is recommended that you position the screen just at eye level. While you can go a bit lower, you must not bend your head too low to see the screen. Note that the bottom monitor is usually meant for secondary tasks and draws less attention than the top monitor. Nonetheless, it’s still important to note the angle.

Viewing Distance

Besides height and angle, another school of thought would be the distance between you and the computer. This is important so you don’t get digital eye strain or risk not seeing the screen properly. Still, there needs to be a standard distance between the screen and your eyes because the distance would depend on your screen size, the time of the day, lighting, and font size. Ideally, you should keep the computer at arm’s length from you, but you can tweak this to make it more comfortable. However, stay as far away from the screen as possible to prevent eye health tampering by blue light.


Monitor Size and Resolution

If you’re still choosing your monitor, you can still choose a monitor with a comfortable fit. Contrary to common ideology, it’s not recommended to go for the largest screen on the shelf because it could lead to excessive head and eye movement—in other words, negative ergonomics. Instead, choose a computer that’s not too big or too small and fits your viewing angle perfectly.

Per the resolution, opt for higher resolution monitors (about 1080p and above) since they provide sharper visuals and reduce eye strain, especially for extended periods of use.

Additional Considerations

The following are other things you need to pay attention to for the best ergonomics:
● Lights: Glare and improper lighting can strain your eyes — but they’re are not always obvious. Therefore you should position your monitors to avoid glare from windows or overhead lights. Use natural lighting and avoid putting a light too close to the screen.
● Posture: Maintaining good posture is essential regardless of monitor setup. So, invest in an ergonomic chair with adjustable features to support your back and neck. Avoid crouching forward if you can and take regular stops to stretch.
● Breaks: Speaking of stops, take regular breaks to move around. It’s best to go outside to see natural lighting to avoid digital eye strain.