More famous for its stunning range of vacuum cleaners, Dyson has launched updated versions of its bladeless fans it claims are 75 per cent quieter that its predecessors.
The fan uses a device to get rid of tones in the 1000Hz range that is similar to the noise frequency of a mosquito. Engineers at the company said this frequency was the one that irritated users of previous models so their aim was to make this particular noise “totally inaudible”.
It managed to eliminate the sound using a Helmholtz cavity that captures sound waves travelling through the machine. When air is pushed into the Helmholtz, the pressure inside rises. The sound stays in the cavity, decreasing sound.
Sir James Dyson told PA: “By reducing air turbulence and using ingenious, simple engineering principles like a Helmholtz cavity, Dyson engineers have targeted tones and reduced sound volume, making quiet fans with powerful airflow.”
The fan is already one of Dyson’s most successful ventures outside of its vacuum cleaners and works by using a blushless motor in the base to draw air in and force it through a circular tube at the top.
Air whizzes out of the gap around the ring and passes over an aircraft wing-like shape to increase airflow.
Sir James said that his firm has invested around £40 million to produce the device.
The new fan will be available in March with prices ranging from £219.99 to to £299.99. The AM06, AM07, and AM08 Dyson Cool fans will be available in iron/blue, black/nickel, iron/nickel and white/silver.
Here is a video describing how the new fan works.