Charles Dunstone, chief executive of Carphone Warehouse said that he was prepared to go to court should the government plan to force ISPs to disconnect illegal file-sharers.
The company behind the UK’s biggest broadband provider TalkTalk would, according to Dunstone, “resist any attempts to make it impose technical measures on its customers (unless directed to do so by a court or recognised tribunal).
“The approach proposed by Lord Mandelson is based on the principle of guilty until proven innocent and substitutes proper judicial process for a kangaroo court,” he said.
Dunstone said the plans would have the unintended consequence of escalated incidences of wireless hijacking.
“What is being proposed is wrong in principle and it won’t work in practice. The unintended consequence of Mandelson’s plan will be to encourage more Wi-Fi and PC hijacking and expose more innocent people to being penalised wrongfully,” he said.
BT and Virgin Media also said that an approach based on “persuasion not coersion” would be the best way to deal with illegal fiile-sharing rather than a “heavy-handed, punitive regime will simply alienate mainstream consumers”, according to a Virgin Media spokesperson.
What’s you view on the proposals? A sledgehammer to crack a walnut or justifiable? Let us know in the comments below.