Not so long ago (September 2008 in fact) in a 3 Store near you, you could get your hands on the second edition of 3’s popular Skype phone. That second version proved equally desirable and last month 3 ran out of stock completely. But it’s back now…
3 says the phones success is down to its “clean simplicity and clever Skype integration”.
“We know you’ve missed it but worry not because – cue the drum rolls – the S2 is back and raring to help consumers save even more money through 3’s new promise of free calls forever on Skype,” said a 3 spokeswoman.
Yes, 3 is also offering a free internet service that allows you to make free calls and send free instant messages from your mobile in the UK to over 400 million Skype users worldwide.
How do you get free calls forever on Pay As You Go?
* Get a Skype-compatible 3 mobile and a 3 SIM.
* Download Skype. Go to Favourites (called QuickLinks or Launcher on some phones) and click on Skype.
* Set up a username and password. If you’ve already got a Skype ID, just sign in.
* Make unlimited free Skype-to-Skype calls without even topping up!
The Skype S2 is available for a one off cost of £69.99 on the high-street and online.
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