Makers of fine All-day breakfast sandwiches and cappucino Pret A Manger
has come up with something new to tempt passing trade – Free WiFi.
The coffee chain is offering free internet in 60 of its shops at
present. The wireless network is provided by The Cloud. More outlets
are expected to follow in the coming weeks.
This means that whether you have a laptop, PDA or smartphone you can now surf the interweb over a latte. If you have Truphone installed on your iPhone or other smartphone then you will be able to make and receive calls form free.
Simon Kerry, head of IT for Pret, said: "By offering it free we’re
giving our customers that little bit extra. The benefit to Pret is that
our customers are happier and that they stay with us for longer."
Pret has been running wireless access trials for the last several
months and all stores should be offering free internet access by the
end of the year.