Home Reviews Audio Review: iTalk Pro for iPod

Review: iTalk Pro for iPod


italk_pro_for_ipod.jpgWe like useful gadgets, but more than that, we like gadgets that make our other gadgets even more useful. Griffin has been producing some fine accessories to go with iPods for a while now so the new iTalk Pro has not disappointed us.

This is a voice recorder that connects to an iPod via its dock connector. There is virtually no other set up – as soon as it is plugged in you are ready to record. It takes its power from the iPod.

Pressing the red button on the iTalk Pro sets off the recording process and when you have finished, pressing the red button stops the recording and you are done. Pressing the button in for three seconds changes the gain on the recorder (hig-gain, low-gain or automatic). You can also set the quality of the recordings to high or low. High is billed as CD-quality stereo by the manufacturer.

You can review your recordings via the click wheel on the iPod and keep or delete recordings as and when you feel like it.

The device also has a 3.5mm jack for external microphones.

We have to say that listening to the recordings we made impressed us a great deal. In fact we will probably use this for future podcasts (feels like coming full circle somehow). Then you can decide how good the recordings were.

We managed to find one available here for £18.81.
